Personal Trainers
Why Choose Dennis Gym Fitness Specialists?​
You will have an ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE. Each session with our Dennis Gym Specialists will be unique, dynamic and customized to meet all your health and fitness needs. Dennis Gym specialists are not only certified trainers but are also carefully handpicked by our director Mr Dennis Tew (our Famous Former National Fitness Coach who had trained up numbers of champions in sports and bodybuilding each year) based on their track record achievements in the fitness industry.

Our Fitness Specialist's mission is to insert fun elements and to keep you motivated to reach your goals to continue with a lifetime of fitness.
TEACH - Dennis Gym Fitness Specialists will teach you every aspect of proper nutrition, effective cadiovascular programming and effective resistance training fundamentals, techniques, safety precations to help your goals. We will monitor your progress monthly via body fat testing, measurements and body weight. We will teach you how to change your program based on your body's responses to these activities so that in the end, you become your own trainer and can maintain not only your results, but a healthy lifestyle as well.
FUN ELEMENTS and ENCOURAGE - Our specialists are here to provide the right tools and insert fun elements for your success, you will be surprise that they are able to encourage you and motivate you to work out harder and more intensely than you would normally by yourself. Their achievements can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation
in itself!
Creating a customized program - Dennis Gym Fitness Specialists will creates an efficient program that is on par with your current fitness levels and relevant to your goals. Utilizing their years of experience and expertise, you can save yourself a lot of time and effort in the gym doing
workouts which are not ideal to your needs.
Ensuring safety - Most people start off their training with much enthusiasm, but with the myriad of exercises and machines in a gym, it is easy to over exert or start on a program which is not suitable to your currrent physical limitations. Having Dennis Gym specialists ensures that there will be an watchful eye on you at all times to prevent any mishaps as well as ensure that you are working well within your limits and not pushing yourself to the point of possible injury.
ACCOUNTABILITY - By working with us, you will be held accountable to keeping fitness a priority in your life; assuring yourself of not only a focused and effective workout every time you are in the gym, but that you will finally be able to feel the power of achieving your fitness goals.
MASTER - We want you to be happy with your body, mind, and spirit. We want you to master what we teach you, so you can use this information for the rest of your life! Remember, knowledge is power!

Dennis say :" To be successful, one needs to do only 2 things:
1) Learn how to succeed
2) Do what it takes to succeed
Quite frankly, our method for weight loss simply cannot fail when it is implemented exactly as prescribed. But no weight loss program, no matter how powerful, will work if there isn't the power of commitment behind it.
Therefore, we make the workouts as fun & interesting as possible and we want you to make a commitment to yourself.
Ask yourself why you want to lose weight. Next, promise youself that you will listen to your trainers & do all it takes to reach your desired goal.
We are 100% dedicated to our clients' success. And you can be assured by our quality services. Cheers!"

Dennis Team of Trainers

and many more...